Breaking in below the line

Pay close attention.

            “I knew a P.A. who paid attention.  He had no training, but he worked very hard; he schmoozed at parties.  Now he’s a designer.  He doesn’t draw, but he knows how to put everything together.”

-- Maria Caso, production designer

Cultivate connections.

            “You learn a lot about the equipment (working at a camera rental shop), but the connections you make are invaluable – every single person who goes through Panavision as a tech and chooses to A.C. is working almost immediately.”

-- Eric Anderson, asst. cameraman

Don’t expect it to be easy.

            “I know at my college there’s been controversy regarding job placement.  It is a high-tuition school, and they did a lot of promising.  The reality is: in the film industry, nothing is handed to you.  It’s all about perseverance.”

-- Patrick Woodard, asst. online editor